Meet The Team - Joanna

Joanna Bradley

PR Intern

Introducing Joanna, our new intern, who is currently completing a university degree alongside gaining experience here at Bleat. During her time with us, she’ll be doing more than making cups of tea, she’ll be getting into the nitty gritty and seeing what this ‘PR’ thing is really all about.

Mostly spends the weekend… Walking my dog and usually a nice Sunday roast with friends and family. 

Before joining Bleat PR I… am just finishing my university degree, so the chance to be an Intern at Bleat PR is a fantastic opportunity to learn and start my career in the industry! 

Favourite film quote… “You had me at hello” – Jerry Maguire

The best holiday I’ve ever been on was to… Family safari trip to Kenya, seeing elephants up close in the wild and in a sanctuary to protect them. 

Best piece of professional advice I’ve ever received is… “Never ask someone else to do a job that you aren’t prepared to do yourself.”

If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be… Percy Pigs!!


Edifier’s TWS330NB match your style!


JOBY release new flagship audio line